FIELD: measurement equipment.
SUBSTANCE: fibre mass of specified weight is combed, shaped into a tape, sent via a draw plate equipped with acoustic sensors and air capacitor plates serially arranged along direction of tape motion, differing by the fact that in order to increase accuracy, objectivity and efficiency of control, sensors of acoustic oscillations and plates of the air capacitor are arranged mutually perpendicularly to each other in the plane normal to the direction of tape movement, the air capacitor is connected into the oscillating circuit of the generator of acoustic oscillations, tuning of inductance in the LC-circuit or resistor in the RC-circuit, they obtain the required reference frequency of generated acoustic oscillations at the reference sample of fibre mass, the controlled fibre mass is sent via the specified system of acoustic sensors and the capacitor in the form of a tape, and the average parameters of fibres are decided according to the average acoustic signal and average deviation of frequency of emitted oscillations from the controlled tape supported along the entire length.
EFFECT: higher accuracy, objectivity and efficiency of control.