FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to eye microsurgery and may be used for eyesight recovery accompanying ocular media opacity. A device comprises a tip of a shielding metal or polymer tube of the diameter of 0.4 to 1.2 mm and a metal or polymer micromill. The micromill is presented in the form of a tube or a monolithic rod having one or two or more bevels at an angle of 0 to 80 degrees from a transverse axis with its distal end and inserted inside the shielding tube with a gap. The shielding tube is rounded or horizontally oval. The micromill presented in the tube is rounded or oval. The mill in the form of the monolithic rod is rounded or oval or three- or four-angled square or rectangular. The shielding tube is rigidly attached to the polymer handle and may be used both for irrigation, and for aspiration. The micromill is extended and freely attached in the handle, and movable to perform rotational and/or longitudinal and/or lateral oppositely directed oscillatory vibrations. If it is the micromill in the form of the tube that is used, the shielding tube is connected to an irrigation hose through a handle, while the micromill is connected to an aspiration hose. If the micromill is presented in the form of the rod, the shielding tube is attached to the aspiration system, while the irrigation system is brought to an eye through a separate section using a micronozzle. The aspiration and irrigation hoses through pressure sensors and hydrodynamic pumps are connected to respective control systems. In the irrigation system, a fluid is supplied into an anterior chamber both by gravity, and injected with the pump at pre-set pressure; a micromill drive is detachably attached to the handle from the side or behind. A drive cable or hose is attached to a control system through a speed and direction controller. A micromill drive is presented by high-speed collector-free or collector electric microdrives actuated by drive gears, or a pneumatic pump actuated by a metre run. Objective: destruction or removal of the cataract-involved crystalline lenses of different density using the same disposable device through a very small section of tunica fibrosa oculi.
EFFECT: adequate operation of the cataract extraction by the disposable device through a very small section with reduced injuries and length of the operation.