FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves reducing a foot, creating a canal within a distal tibiofibular syndesmosis by means of a drill, placing a bracing screw into the canal and tightening the shinbones. A distal intrabone canal is additionally formed within the syndesmosis in the shinbones. An allogenic tendon is delivered in sequence through the additionally created canal ectoentad and further along an inner surface of the tibia subcutaneously to the middle of the ankle bone, wherein a bone recess is formed with an awl, wherein one end of the allogenic tendon is fastened with the first anchor screw. Another end of the allogenic tendon is pulled and fixed with the second anchor screw in the distal intrabone canal of the fibular bone.
EFFECT: method enables repairing the support and motion function of the foot by stability of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint.
1 ex, 2 dwg