FIELD: physics, computer engineering.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to systems for realising a membership function in multiple multicast groups of various service providers. The method comprises sending a connection request to a multicast group using an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Join message; wherein the request is intercepted by MD DSL, respectively processed, recorded in a table and transmitted to a network; adding multicast (McA) VLS to the intercepted information, wherein a central processing unit tags, based on the IP information packet received in the IGMP header, IGMP requests from the user VLS to the network Mc VLS, after which the central processing unit adds to a CAM forwarding table a record on the destination address of multicast content of the service provider with the corresponding Mc VLS-id, wherein the central processing unit sets up the forwarding mechanism with rules for tagging multicast VLS packets on separate ports based on forwarding rules written in the a code mechanism and the forwarding mechanism respectively forwards through the connections the processed IGMP user traffic with the network VLS-id.
EFFECT: providing multicast content in free access networks by multiple service providers, in which multicast mode is used to transmit video content.
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