FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: preparation of the patient for surgery involves doing the exercises for 12-36 sessions, which begin in the lying position to do the exercises on Bubnovskiy's multifunction simulator (BMS) by load traction from upper and/or lower BMS blocks by the extremities with the body fixed. The same exercise are done in the position sitting on the floor or standing, doing load traction as fixed to a foot, load traction with both hands to the chest, press both hands, pull-over, butterfly, press crunches, brass, and star exercises according to the patent claim. On the 4-12th day following the replacement, the patient starts walking with a stick; at least 2 times a week first from the lying position, the patient performs abduction and adduction of the prosthetic leg with a BMS cuff fixed on the ankle. That is followed by load traction with a knee of the operated leg flexed from the lying position and standing on the intact leg. Unassisted walking is started; the patient holds the rigid support with both hands and does sit ups. Further, with the hip muscle reinforcement a sit-up angle is increased to the comfortable level that enables the patient stretching his/her legs painlessly after a sit up.
EFFECT: method prevents the postoperative complications in the form of loss of the endoprosthesis elements, dislocation of its components with the leg failing to perform its support function, bone tissue resorption within the endoprosthesis leg, long bone osteoporosis within the endoprosthesis, more rapid functional recovery of the operated extremity.
9 cl, 1 ex