FIELD: information technology.
SUBSTANCE: when controlling on the control point (CP) of the second and first levels the databases are created, analysis and final determining of data is performed, identification and classification of objects of exposure, prioritising and creation of a list of objects of exposure in accordance with their priorities, assessment of implementation of exposure, formation of the list of technical means (TM) on the efficiency, independent distribution of the objects of exposure between the TM, formation of control commands and their transfer by the TM. The control system comprises the properly connected: control points, lines of communication, database storage units, data collection and analysis units, final determining of data, identification, classification and prioritisation of objects of exposure, the effectiveness evaluations, creation of the list of the TM on efficiency, formation of the task of CP of the first level, control panels, information displaying devices, devices of receiving commands and address output of control signals and control units of the technical means.
EFFECT: enhanced functionality of the method and the control system through implementation on the control point on the second level of such control functions as collection, processing, analysis, final determining of data about the objects of exposure, evaluation of capabilities of their TM and making the decision to exercise influence, and on the first level CP - the functions of final determining of data about the objects of exposure, evaluation of the exposure efficiency of all their TM to all the objects of exposure and independent distribution of the objects for exposure.
9 cl, 2 dwg