FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: combined tilling tool for meadows and pastures comprises a base chassis (1) with a two-sectional (2 and 3) frame and the wheel pairs (4, 5 and 6). On the first section (2) of the frame a diesel engine (9) is mounted, an operator cabin (10) and a boom (26). At the end of the boom (26) a scrapper bucket (14) is mounted in front with a disc-cutting device (27) and the flat-plate nozzles (13) of the water screen. In the upper part of the bucket (14) a separating two-row grid is movably mounted with a product-duct in the rods of the second row. The bucket (14) is provided with a receiver of the crushed weeds and small chips with a fan (15) connected by the pneumatic pipeline (28) with a hollow subsoiler (29) located on the second section (3) of the frame on the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the tool. On the width of the tool at least four milling chisel ploughs (25) with product-ducts are mounted. Behind the subsoiler (29) a packer roller (31) is located. On the second section (3) of the frame the containers (45, 46 and 47) with the dispensers (18, 19 and 20) of seeds and fertilizers are also placed, a seed drill, two rippers (30) on the longitudinal axis of the wheel track (4 and 5) of the base chassis (1). The felling mechanism comprises a valve (32) of the scraper bucket (14) with a crescent guide flanges on the outer side, a staple-shaped impact plate on the inner side and in the lower side the flat shearing knife with cut-outs. The disc-cutting device (27) is made in the form of a battery of chopping-sawing discs with double-edged chopping blades additionally placed on their end surface with tier installation and cutting edges, perpendicular to the face of the disc, having a variable height from 1/5 to 1/3 of the distance between the adjacent discs. Through the discs at least three rollers pass with a hinged installation of beaters.
EFFECT: improvement of degraded lands, cleaning of meadows from bumps and shrubs with simultaneous disposal of crushed chips, reduction of the period of reclamation operations, and improvement of quality of soil treatment to obtain small-clump structure and grass cover of meadows without weeds.
3 cl, 3 dwg