FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: invention is meant for separation of inhomogeneous gas-fluid system to gas and fluid phases and can be used in oil-and-gas industry, petroleum industry, chemical industry, food industry, etc. Claimed settler comprises the horizontal cylindrical housing with bottom, inhomogeneous system feed pipe and gas and fluid phase discharge pipes. The perforated cylindrical baffle with conical plates is arranged under said inhomogeneous system feed pipe and coupled with said horizontal cylindrical housing with separation sections composed of the stack of a regular multiply filling of corrugated permeable plates. Said separation sections in said horizontal cylindrical housing make the vertical cylindrical wall or horizontal rectangular wall parallel with the horizontal cylindrical housing axis. Said wall coupled from two ends parallel about said axis with the said horizontal cylindrical housing and from two ends perpendicular to said axis with extra segmented plates. Perforated segmented baffles are arranged at lower section of the horizontal cylindrical housing.
EFFECT: efficient separation, lower metal input, perfected design.
8 cl, 2 dwg