FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: invention can be used for studying surface phenomena. Electrode of investigated metal is brought into contact with ionic liquid. Estance (derivative of surface tension of solid body surface charge density) and current as function of electrode are potential registered. Estance stages are found in form of extremum and bends in range of potentials, where current dependence of potential has no stages. Inclination of estimated dependence of estance-potential between estance steps is measured. Superiority of absolute value of that inclination above one is shown, from which conclusion is made of metal having insulating coating, electrostriction of which takes part in surface tension of solid body. Absence of current changes, corresponding to estance stages, is explained by splitting metal surface charge by insulating coating into inner and outer parts with mutually compensating stages, wherein only inner, stepwise changing part causes electrostriction in insulating coating, generating estance stages, when current is caused by change of total charge without steps.
EFFECT: invention enables to experimentally show connection between spontaneous formation of insulating coating on metal free from oxide, and splitting metal surface charge into two parts, separated by said insulating coating.
11 cl, 10 dwg