FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: measure the average values of the voltage between the positive and negative poles of the three-phase rectifier bridge, assembled on semiconductor diodes according to Larionov's circuit and connected to the phases of AC mains, as well as between the positive and negative poles of the three-phase rectifier bridge and the "ground". At that the voltages grading at the circuit phases is performed, by connecting parallel to the three-phase rectifier bridge poles of two series-connected the first and the second resistors, the common point of which is connected to the "ground". Measure the average value of the current through the wire, connecting the common point of the first and the second resistors with the "ground", measure the average values of the differential currents, flowing through the circuit connections, by means of the sensors of differential currents for measurement of the current average values, after its connecting initially to one of the poles of the third resistor three-phase rectifier bridge, one terminal of which is connected to the common point of the first and second resistors, and then to the other pole of the fourth resistor three-phase rectifier bridge, one terminal of which is connected to the common point of the first and second resistors. The insulation resistance values of the entire circuit as a whole and the insulation resistance values of connections are determined from the corresponding expressions.
EFFECT: extension of functionality by measuring the insulation resistance of connections, reduction of the line-to-earth voltage imbalances value, arising at the circuit insulation resistance and the connections insulation resistance determination.
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