FIELD: measuring equipment.
SUBSTANCE: method of measuring the reflection coefficient of a sound-absorbing structure includes receiving a probe and a reflected signal using a unidirectional receiver of two receiving elements, changing the sensitivity direction by switching the sequence of the receiving elements located in the hydroacoustic basin on the axis of the perpendicular surface of the sound-absorbing structure sample and determining the ratio of the received signals. Simultaneously with the unidirectional reception of signals, the signals are additionally received by a discrete antenna mounted parallel to the sound-absorbing structure, the central receiving element of the antenna being the receiving element of the unidirectional receiver, after which the received signals are detected, multiplied and used to determine the reflection coefficient of the sound-absorbing structure. Controlling parameters of the directional reception is carried out by delaying the reflected signals. The device comprises a two-channel unidirectional receiver, a control unit, a flat discrete antenna, detectors, a multiplier, a computing device.
EFFECT: increasing the noise immunity of measurements.
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