FIELD: electrical engineering.
SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to the protection of electrical lines, in particular to the detection and protection against sparkage in electrical networks and electrical installations. Method of operation of the sparkage protection device in the protected circuit includes measuring, in each half-period, the voltage of the current signals in the high frequency region, current signals in the mid-frequency region, voltage signals in the low-frequency region and voltage signals in the mid-frequency region. On the basis of the measured signals, the presence of a single spark discharge is determined in each half-cycle of the voltage, accumulates information about single spark discharges for a given time and stores it in the form of a sparkage parameter. When the sparkage parameter reaches the set value, sparkage are recorded and a signal is generated to disconnect the protected circuit from the network. Sparkage protection device (1) in circuit includes voltage sensing unit (2), current sensor (3), high frequency current signal extraction unit (4), mid-frequency current signal extraction unit (5), microcontroller (6), power unit (7) and kickout control (8).
EFFECT: increase the accuracy of the sparkage event, reduce the number of false alarms of the sparkage protection device, increase in the service area, the number of connected electrical appliances, the extent and branching of the protected circuit.
8 cl, 12 dwg