FIELD: radio engineering and communications.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of radio engineering, namely to radio monitoring systems for determining the radio emission source fixup values (RESFV) of the UHF-SHF ranges as digital, and analog types of communication, information about which is not available in the database (for example, the state radio frequency service). Method is based on the correlation principle, which consists in the calculation of azimuths with additional point(s) on RES from the measured (or calculated values) of azimuths from the MP of the radio monitoring post (RMP) on the RES. In this case, the RES azimuth on the RMP is measured, and at additional point(s) is calculated. As an additional point in the method, a virtual post (VP) is proposed, the coordinates of which are specified. When using n VPs, they are placed not on one straight line with the RMP, but are referred from it for several angular minutes with increasing distance between them and approaching the mean azimuth on RES as far as the distance from the MP RMP. Calculation of the azimuth at the VP is based on the principle of the azimuth correlation dependence (ACD) with MP from the azimuths with the MP RMP. Azimuth correlation dependence (ACD) is obtained from the calculation of azimuths with MP RMP and MP VP at q base RES (q BRES) located in the quadruple quadratic azimuth of RES from its mean value. To obtain ACD, a repeated determination (redefinition) of the known coordinates of the MP q of the BRES is carried out, which is performed in two stages. First step is M=C2k+1 square equations with one unknown distance equal to the number of triangles formed by the location points q of BRES, MP RMP and MP VP, and determine the distances from MP RMP and MP VP to each of the q BRES. In this case, each distance will be determined K times. At the second stage, q BRES coordinates (latitude and longitude) calculated from MP RMP and MP VP by means of the azimuths computed (redefined). To this end, (K+1) equations of azimuthal beams are calculated, 2M pairs of coordinates for each of the q BRES calculated from MP RMP and MP VP by means of the azimuths computed at q BRES and the calculated distances. Then, create (K+1) calibration characteristics (CC) for MP RMP and MP VP in latitude (CCLa), longitude (CCLo) and azimuth (CCA) as the dependences of the difference between the true and calculated values of latitudes, longitudes and azimuths from the corresponding calculated latitude values, longitudes and azimuths; calculate the azimuths from each MP VP on RES using ACD, CCA, and the average value of the measured with MP RMP on the RES azimuth ϕ; according to the cosine theorem, for all M triangles formed by the location of the RES, MPRMP and MP VP, M quadratic equations, and calculate (K+1) unknown distances from MP RMP and MP VP to RES by K times each; compose by means of value of azimuth ϕ with RMP, and the azimuths calculated with MP VP, (K+1) equations of azimuthal rays from them on RES, determine the 2M of the preliminary values of RESFV, correct them for their CCLa and CCLo, averaged, and then recorded as final.
EFFECT: technical result is the definition of RESFV by one RMP.
1 cl, 6 dwg, 1 tbl