FIELD: measurement technology.
SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to an analytical method of measuring soap content in black liquor. Analytical method includes a first step, in which a predetermined amount of black liquor is placed in a cylindrically symmetric container, a second step, on which black liquor in an analytical container is centrifuged and soap concentrate is collected in the upper part of the analytical container, the third stage, where the amount of the soap concentrate is determined, and the fourth stage, where content of the soap is calculated. Due to centrifugation soap concentrate is obtained with soap content is 58–62 %, which enables to determine content of dry substance with accuracy ±2 % in a very short period of time. In one version of the present analytical method includes the fifth stage, at which calculation of soap content is corrected taking into account density of black liquor. In another version of the present invention, the cylindrically symmetric analytical vessel comprises neck 2 with a graduated scale and bottom part 1. Preset amount of black liquor is measured by filling analytical capacity to upper mark of measuring scale, while amount of soap concentrate is determined on lower boundary of soap concentrate, which can be measured on a scale.
EFFECT: present invention also includes an analytical container for use in said method.
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