FIELD: medicine; ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: color photography of the fundus is performed on the Navilas 577s navigation laser system (NLS), using the built-in software. A scheme for applying applicates is drawn up on a digital image of the fundus with a choice of a pattern consisting of three applicates. After that, in automatic mode, barrier restrictive laser coagulation is performed along the ophthalmoscopically visible border MX, facing the fovea, along the length of the perimeter MX, by applying laser applicates in the form of patterns, retreating from the border MX by 1 mm, with the following parameters: wavelength - 577 nm, power - 240-320 MW, exposure - 0.1 s, spot diameter - 300 mcm, with an interval of 0.25 spot diameter between them. Then, in automatic mode, laser coagulation is performed in the form of a “lattice” along the fovea boundary facing the MX by applying laser applicates in the form of patterns, with the following parameters: wavelength - 577 nm, power - 80-120 MW, exposure - 0.05, spot diameter - 100 mcm, with an interval of 3 spot diameter. After that, 2-3 weeks after the barrier restrictive laser coagulation and laser coagulation in the form of a “lattice”, the transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) is carried out.
EFFECT: method allows reducing or excluding the spread of secondary transudative retinal detachment to the functionally significant foveal zone of the fundus, thereby reducing the risk of macular edema and preserving central visual functions.
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