FIELD: medicine; cosmetology.
SUBSTANCE: invention can be used for lifting the soft tissues of the face. The thread is injected into the region of the upper part of the mastoid process on the right and bred at an angle. The first arm of the thread is passed clockwise under the auricle through the earlobe region and is brought out at the level of the external auditory canal. Next, the thread is passed along the outer arc, through the parotid zone, and lowered down to the intersection with the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Then it is stretched towards the point of primary fixation and brought to the surface of the skin below the point of primary fixation. The thread is stretched in the projection of the angle of the lower jaw and is brought out at a point in the middle between the earlobe and the angle of the lower jaw. The thread is pulled to form a skin fold running vertically along the thread along the outer surface of the ear. The second arm of the thread from the injection point is passed counterclockwise to the lower point of the fold formed by the first loop. The thread is passed up in an arc to the exit point of the first loop and brought it out above this point. The thread is passed towards the fixation point in the area of the mastoid process, after which it is passed in the projection of the angle of the lower jaw and brought out at the point in the middle between the earlobe and the angle of the lower jaw, the threads are tied together. Both threads are passed in the projection of the chin area and removed at a distance of 1/3 and 2/3 of the length on the line from the chin to the neck-chin angle, respectively. On the left side, similar manipulations are performed, except that the first loop is made counterclockwise, and the second is made clockwise. The first thread on the left is brought out at the point of the first thread on the right, and the second thread on the left is brought out at the point of the second thread on the right. Opposite threads are tied together, form a chain of nodules and passed subcutaneously.
EFFECT: method allows to increase the duration of the effect, reduce the pain load, increase the covered surface area, and obtain a more pronounced result.
5 cl, 1 dwg, 2 ex