FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to cosmetology, and can be used for face soft tissue lifting by means of thread implants. A puncture is made within a projection of a zygomatic ligament; a cannula is delivered towards the modiolus along its upper-medial projection. Then the cannula is brought medially and below the commissure of the mouth and delivered in parallel to the vermilion border of the lower lip; the cannula is turned by 160° and the thread implant is brought out through the commissure of the mouth into the skin part of the upper lip and brought in parallel to the vermilion border to the filtrum column. Thereafter, the cannula is moved backwards and removed from the tissues through a puncture made in a projection of the zygomatic ligament. Then the second thread implant is inserted into the cannula, then through the previously made puncture in the zygomatic ligament, the cannula with the thread implant is brought in towards the modiolus along its lateral projection, the cannula is turned through 90° at the intersection point of the lateral and lower projections and leading it from the lower border of the modiolus. Then it is directed below and medial to the commissure of the mouth, where it is turned by 160° and is delivered through the commissure of the mouth into the white cushion of the upper lip to the Glogau-Klein point, then the cannula is retracted and removed from the tissues through the puncture in the projection of the zygomatic ligament.
EFFECT: method enables lifting commissures of the mouth, soft tissues of the cheeks, turning the vermilion border of the upper lip and providing the reliable fixation of the ptosis tissues by the most optimal placement of the threads in the soft tissues of the face and connecting the threads in the submandibular region, which provides a continuous frame.
1 cl, 4 dwg, 2 ex