FIELD: agriculture; forestry; machine building.
SUBSTANCE: method of planting tree seedlings on a slope of a sub-tier relates to biological reclamation of a slope of a rock dump, to forest and agricultural machine building and forestry. Method involves using unit movable on upper platform in the form of a caterpillar tractor T-170 with attached equipment; unit movable on lower platform in form of movable trolley, movable in a single bundle, connected by a rectangular frame in horizontal form, with supports on upper and lower units; which structure is moved from entrance embankment of the dump on one side, along the slope along the perimeter to entrance embankment on the other side, and fixed on the lines specified by the project for planting seedlings. Planting is performed from the working platform movable on the frame controlled by the operator, along the line and at points specified by the project. Hole is made by drilling mini-unit according to truncated cone shape of seedling with closed root system. Dosed by pneumatic batcher from the bin for storage of mineral combined fertilizers, containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, established norm on side surface of well, a seedling stored in advance on the working site is fixed in the hole, it is sprinkled with drilling mud and poured from a hose with water from a container installed on a unit movable on the upper site. At completion planting of tree seedlings on the lowest slope of the rock dump sub-tier, the device structure is dismantled and mounted on the adjacent upper sub-tier on the same side of the entrance embankment of the rock dump, the tree seedlings planting process is repeated from bottom to top.
EFFECT: method provides higher efficiency planting of tree seedlings on slope of rock dump with accurate maintenance of distances according to the project.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 1 ex