FIELD: medical equipment.
SUBSTANCE: electronic stethophonendoscope with functions for determining heart performance indicators comprises a stethophonendoscope head, a microphone, an amplifier, a microprocessor, a Bluetooth transmitter, indicators, self-contained power supply, binaural tubes with olives and a smartphone with a Bluetooth receiver. Microphone, amplifier, microprocessor, Bluetooth transmitter, indicator and self-contained power supply are placed in a separate housing with a hole, on which a flexible T-shaped sound-conducting tube is fixed. Central branch of the tube is connected through an opening in the housing to the microphone of the Bluetooth transmitter. Second end of the tube is put on the union of the head of the stethophonendoscope. Third end of the sound-conducting tube is inserted into the binaural tube with olives. On the smartphone desktop there are preinstalled a recorder program, a phonogram editor program, a complaint questionnaire, folder with phonograms and software for determining, based on the results of digital analysis of PCG, such heart performance indicators as heart rate, characteristics of I and II heart sounds, presence of bifurcation and splitting of I and II tones, presence of an accent of II tone, presence of additional III and IV heart sounds, intensity of systolic and diastolic murmurs, as well as respiratory rate, airway patency and differential diagnosis of valvular heart disease.
EFFECT: enabling objectification of cardiac performance, broader diagnostic capabilities of auscultation and higher diagnostic accuracy.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 1 tbl