FIELD: food industry.
SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a method for production of instant products based on meat, fish or mushrooms, according to which their preliminary preparation is performed, during which cleaning and grinding are carried out. Further, salt or its substitutes, and/or soya sauce, and/or paprika, and/or a mixture of vegetables, and/or mustard, and/or honey or its substitutes, and/or lemon juice, or citric acid are added, or ascorbic acid, and/or ground rosemary, and/or allspice or ground, and heat treatment is carried out. Obtained composition is frozen at a temperature of −18 °C for 24 hours or at a temperature of −32 °C for 8 hours. Mixture is then subjected to sublimation in a vacuum at a condenser temperature of −43±5 °C, at pressure of 50 to 70 Pa, with temperature dynamics of the heating element of the sublimator shelves from +33 to +43 °C for 24 hours to obtain a dry product with moisture content of not more than 5%.
EFFECT: invention ensures production of a product with a long storage life, reduced time for preparation of dishes using an instant product.
2 cl, 6 ex