FIELD: industrial transport systems. SUBSTANCE: transport system has pipeline one end of which has the form of a blind pipe butt with charging port and is connected to air blower. Second end of the pipeline is aligned with rotatable pipe of discharge station. The length of blind pipe butt is equal to the total length of pneumatic carriage and part of container before its discharge hole. After charging the conveyer the charging port is closed by sealed casing, compressed air is admitted to the end of the pipeline, and pneumatic carriage starts to move to push the container to a stop member provided at the discharge station. The pneumatic carriage rests at the second end of the pipeline due to engagement with lock. As the rotatable pipe butt rotates, the container is disengaged from the air carriage to return to the initial position. Return movement occurs due to gravity forces in inclined pipeline, or thanks to generating a vacuum upstream of the pneumatic carriage. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency in operation. 2 cl, 1 dwg