FIELD: analytical chemistry, ecology. SUBSTANCE: analyzed air id blown off with disk for paper chromatography at angle 45 degrees to the flow. Disk is impregnated preliminary with excess of urease solution for one hour (concentration of enzyme is 50 U/ml) in 0.007M phosphate buffer (pH = 6.5) with 1% gelatin. Before analysis disk is wetted with water. Then disk is contacted with part of other disk made of the same material which is impregnated with solution containing 1% urea and 0.006% pH-indicator phenol red in water. Mercury vapor concentration is determined by sampling time and time retention during color change of second disk parts contacting with parts of the first disk containing adsorbed mercury vapors. Color is changed from yellow to raspberry as compared with control disk parts not contacting with analyzing air. EFFECT: improved method of analysis. 2 tbl