FIELD: mining. SUBSTANCE: coupled support includes a chain of rectangular and curvilinear beams interconnected through pins, and self-moving cars with manipulators. The beams are provided with guides on side surfaces and places for installing uprights on lower surface. Self-moving cars are installed in the guides, connected in pairs through hinges and parallel levers to form parallelogram, and bear manipulator, which provides either catching or support section in three points or withdrawal, transporting and installation the sections of drift support. Self-moving cars may be provided with rollers driven by hydraulic engines and have roller movement jacks. The manipulator for transporting and installing support sections may have one extended boom to lift weight and two additional booms placed below the first one in the form of jacks. The manipulator has three clamps with control jacks, casing and boom of rigid rods interconnected through hinges, with the casing and clamp connection unit. The clamps are provided with replaceable tips or insertion pieces. Each self-moving car may have individual hydraulic control. The manipulator may have rotatable hydraulic drive to self- installing drift support. EFFECT: high reliability. 6 cl, 6 dwg