FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: automatic machine drive control system provides for helical motion of workpiece, angular positioning of workpiece at machining of helical grooves, and search for the nearest position where helical groove is not machined, and additional turn of workpiece in the direction of clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation, it also provides for angular positioning at workpiece machining at an irregular pitch. Control system uses an additional unit used to search for the nearest position in which groove is not machined. This unit has a shaping unit of number of positioning interval pulses, counter of number of pulses corresponding to workpiece present angular position, counter of positioning interval number, storage register unit of information on positions in which grooves are already machined, register address selector, positioning interval number register, programmed logical matrix, first and second summers, first, second and third multiplexers, first, second and third registers, first and second comparators, flip-flop, as well as AND, OR gates and delay elements. EFFECT: improved design. 2 cl, 3 dwg