FIELD: construction, chemical, aviation, petroleum refining, perfumery, graphic arts industries, medical technology and optical instrumentation. SUBSTANCE: certain amount of organic light-sensitive composition with density equal to density of buffer solution is injected into dish I with buffer solution with the aid of metering device to form body 3 of spherical form suspended in solution. Walls of dish 1 and buffer solution 2 are transparent for activating radiation. Ball 3 suspended in stationary buffer solution is subjected to external action of activating radiation 4 illuminating it uniformly from all sides to its full photosolidification. On termination of radiation solid balls are rinsed in running water, alcohol and are subjected to drying in vacuum drying cabinet with slow rise of temperature to temperature not exceeding temperature of vitrification of solidified composition, curing at this temperature followed by subsequent slow cooling in it to room temperature to minimize residual internal stresses. EFFECT: expanded range of manufactured balls from solid to aspherical and hollow spherical and aspherical microlenses. 5 cl, 1 dwg