FIELD: oil production industry. SUBSTANCE: according to method, at flooding of oil being recovered, injection of displacing agent is discontinued. Oil-field testing is performed in all wells which where used to open productive oil bed. This is carried out by measuring total amount of oil without water depending on time of its accumulation in wells during their standstill. In this case, selected are wells where increased amount of oil is detected during period of its accumulation. Aforesaid wells are related to dome-like part of productive oil bed. Defined is character of its deposition structure. Dome-like parts of productive bed are used as main objects of oil recovery. After that, determined is periodic mode of operation of producing wells perforated in dome-like parts of bed at which oil recovery without water is expected. Mode of operation for each producing well is assigned individually in compliance with results of oil-field testing according to geological and physical characteristics of bottom-hole zone of each well and its positioning on structure of productive bed. Displacement of oil towards bottom-hole of producing wells takes place due to occurrence of pressure gradient in gravitational field. Aforesaid pressure gradient is caused due to difference in density of oil and displacing agent. Application of given method increases coefficient of oil recovery from beds to 85-90% at minimal cost. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 3 dwg