FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves examining patient before subjecting to treatment. It is determined: prostate mass (A parameter), residual urine quantity (B parameter), availability of concomitant prostatitis(D parameter), S value from International scale of prostatitis symptoms (C parameter), volume rate of urination (E parameter), ultrasonic characteristic of prostate structure (F parameter), ultrasonic characteristic of prostate lobes growth (G parameter), urinary bladder muscles tension coefficient (H parameter). Parameters values are substituted into a formula: Kw= (A+B+C+D)*(E+F+G+H) to calculate the weight coefficient Kw value. The value being equal to 16-48, thermotherapy is to be carried out at 42-43 C. Kw value being from 49 to 80, thermotherapy is carried out at 43.1-45 C mode. Kw being equal to 81-112, thermotherapy is carried out at 45.1-47 C mode. Kw being equal to 113-144, thermotherapy is carried out at 47.1-48 C mode. EFFECT: reduced risk of complications.