FIELD: underwater navigation. SUBSTANCE: proposed underwater acoustic beacon-responder has electric cell, acoustic antenna, reception/transmission commutator, receiving amplifier, first decoder, device switching on radiation channel with reset circuit, master generator, power amplifier connected in series the latter being coupled with output to second input of reception/transmission commutator, anchor separation mechanism connected with input to output of receiving amplifier through second decoder and OR gate, NOT gate connected to electric cell through threshold unit and source of ionized radiations, physical source of current, storage circuit, charger connected to electric cell, supply switch, second NOT gate and AND gate connected in series through which second input of OR gate is connected to output of storage circuit. Second input of AND gate is connected to output of first NOT gate. Supply inputs of receiving amplifier, second decoder and anchor separation mechanism are connected to electric cell through supply switch which second input is connected to output of storage circuit and which third input is linked to output of threshold unit. EFFECT: prolonged service life of beacon-responder. 1 dwg