FIELD: plastic working of materials. SUBSTANCE: method involves pouring melted mineral onto rotor of group of rotors provided with independent drives. Each rotor is mounted on separate horizontal shaft and driven for rotation by individually controlled engine. Rotors are arranged so that melt flows from upper rotor onto subsequent rotors or onto each subsequent rotor of group of rotors. As a result, mineral fibers are thrown from subsequent or each subsequent rotor. Felt formed from fibers is subjected to compaction. During the process rotors with first normal acceleration values are driven in succession. Acceleration values are selected so, that fibers produced during the process have average diameter below 3.5 microns. Felt is compacted for forming light weight product with density of up to 60 kg/cub m. Rotors are driven at second speeds of normal acceleration values, which are chosen such that fibers produced have average diameter of at least 4 microns. EFFECT: increased efficiency and improved quality of vitreous fibrous product. 11 cl, 3 dwg