FIELD: electronic measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: invention is intended for quick and high-precision weighing of cargo under conditions of dynamic disturbances caused by loading of platform balance, by movement of cargo by various lifting mechanisms and its simultaneous weighing by crane, monorail and other balances, in batching scales used in packing. Force of weight is measured by force-measuring transducers in process of weighing. Linear acceleration of cargo taking gear is measured in addition by accelerometers mounted with sensitivity axes along sensitivity axes of force-measuring transducers. Both signals are converted to digital form in step. At same time first signal is divided by second signal to obtain actual value of mass of cargo without any dynamic errors. Obtained value of mass is multiplied by acceleration of terrestrial gravity peculiar to given point of Globe and weight of cargo is determined then. EFFECT: increased weighing precision under conditions of dynamic disturbances. 2 cl, 7 dwg