FIELD: monitoring devices of geometric parameters of shape and flaw detection of surfaces, for example, industrial rolled stock, pipes. SUBSTANCE: the device has a technical vision system incorporating a television camera on the basis of a ПЗС-matrix and m pulse lighting systems, differing in directions of lighting of monitored surface, with their control and synchronization unit with a television camera, as well as a device for optical matching of television camera with monitored surface, and a system for scanning the surface of monitored object. The optical matching system is made as a multiaspect angle one, and its single-aspect angle channels have optical diaphragming and rotary elements providing for optical separation and optical matching of separate sections of lateral surface of the monitored object with the respective sections of the ПЗС-matrix of the television camera. EFFECT: expanded functional abilities concerning monitoring of relief and surface reflecting capacity. 4 cl, 1 dwg