FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves applying electric stimulation of diaphragmal nerves from the moment the patient is admitted in hospital. The treatment characteristics are 10 V voltage, 1.0 ms impulse duration, 1:3 on-off time ratio, 12-24 respiration cycles per 1 min. The sessions are repeated 3-8 times a day. Decompression-stabilization operation is carried out on injured vertebral column segment in urgent mode. Diagnostic bronchoscopy is carried out with endobronchial infrared laser radiation after escaping from anesthesia. Vibratory chest massage, postural draining and respiratory exercises are applied every 2 h. Ultrasonic inhalations with herbal decoctions and antibiotics. Healing bronchoscopy is carried out every day in alternating helium-neon laser radiation and infrared laser with 24 h pause. To prevent respiratory complications, radiation course is composed of from 4-6 procedures. Curative course is at least 6-8 procedures long. Respiratory complication having occurred, UHF-therapy and electrophoresis with euphylline and antibiotics are applied in combination with pathogenetically valid medicamentous therapy. EFFECT: reduced frequency of respiratory complications. 2 tbl