FIELD: acceleration engineering; generation of high-energy beams for flaw inspection, oncologic disease treatment, and the like. SUBSTANCE: system has magnetic circuit, filed winding and compensating winding connected to pulsed power circuit incorporating storage capacitor and switching device using current inverter bridge circuit arrangement, thyristor, switching capacitor, switching choke coil, switching diode, energy input thyristor, and lowvoltage power supply. Compensating winding is placed on solid central core of magnetic circuit. Annular winding wound over outer radius of magnetic-circuit poles is connected through diode to compensating winding, the latter being connected in parallel with equilibrium-orbit radius correction circuit incorporating interconnected-in series correction-circuit thyristor, variable resistor, and compensating capacitor; high-voltage dc power supply is connected in parallel with the latter and low-voltage power supply, in parallel with choke coil and field winding which has common point of connection with compensating winding and annular winding, the latter being shorted out by thyristor. EFFECT: enhanced acceleration cycles repetition rate, reduced power requirement for exciting accelerator electromagnet and equilibrium-orbit radius correction in beginning of acceleration cycle. 1 cl, 4 dwg