FIELD: medicine; medical engineering. SUBSTANCE: device has lower layer having through opening for receiving sample, membrane layer having sample side adjacent to the lower layer and test side opposite to the former one and having discrete set of absorbing analytic areas separated by non- absorbing area. The membrane has reagent substance making reaction with the analyte with changing color response. The reagent has the first ingredient interacting with the analyte with hydrogen peroxide built, the second ingredient is used for detecting hydrogen peroxide availability and the third ingredient is used for inhibiting the second ingredient action, intermediate layer between the lower and membrane layer and measuring means for spreading the sample along the strip from sample opening to analytic areas having canal for transporting liquids. The canal is built in intermediate layer for guiding sample flow towards analytical areas above membrane surface. The strip is divided parts over its length so that neighboring segments have different inhibitor concentrations gradually growing when coming from one segment to another one depending on distance from the first strip end. It enables one or more of analytical areas change color when applying a sample to the strip. The outermost remote area changing its color indicates analyte concentration in the sample. Method involves applying a sample to the elongated multiplayer indicator test strip. EFFECT: high accuracy in measuring analyte concentrations in biological fluid sample. 31 cl, 11 dwg, 1 tbl