FIELD: medicine, anesthesiology. SUBSTANCE: before carrying out planned operation, a patient should be thrice intramuscularly injected with the following preparations, mg/kg: benzohexonium 0.18-0.022, droperidole 0.078- 0.083, obzidane 0.016-0.022, and twice one should additionally inject intramuscularly, mg/kg: dimedrol 0.13- 0.18, relanium 0.09-0.16. Simultaneously, spinal anesthesia is carried out by well-known technique, moreover, in case of urgent anesthesiology 30-50 min before operation a patient should be intramuscularly injected with the following preparations, mg/kg: benzohexonium 0.18-0.22, droperidole 0.078-0.083, obzidane 0.016-0.022, then right on operation table one should intravenously inject, mg/kg: benzohexonium 0.06- 0.085, droperidole 0.039-0.043, obzidane 0.016-0.022 and, also, dimedrol 0.13-0.18 and relanium 0.12-0.16. The present method enables to prevent the development of arterial hypotension and normalize peripheral circulation. EFFECT: higher efficiency of anesthesia. 3 cl