FIELD: oil, gas and other industries where high accuracy in establishment of parameters of fluid pumped over pipe-line is required. SUBSTANCE: in agreement with procedure intake element is placed in main pipe-line to take samples of fluid, portion of flow of main pipe-line is pumped through intake element under action of excessive pressure and through by-pass connected in series with it. One or several sample intake elements are positioned in by-pass. Samples are taken from flow through by-pass and parameters of flows in main pipe-line and bypass are determined with the aid of measuring means. Portion of flow is taken by intake element from main pipe-line with average velocity across inlet to intake element possessing single or system of intake holes. Average velocity of flow through by- pass is equal to or higher than average velocity of flow through main pipe-line. Section of by-pass in which system of single or several means measuring density is installed has potential to let flow pass with flow rate specified for density interval by measuring means. If there is dependence of density established by measuring means on flow rate through by- pass then flow rate of fluid through measuring means in this section of bypass is determined for formation of hydrodynamics of flow such that: a) flow rate is so established that change of density determined by it and recalculated in terms of fixed values of pressure and temperature amounts to half of absolute value of its change with variation of flow rate in interval in which dependence of this density on flow rate through measuring means displays tendency to decrease or increase or with proviso that b) rate of flow through means measuring density which density departed from interval of values determined in previous case by value under value d=d1-d2/2, where d1- is absolute value of change of density with variation of rate of flow through measuring means in interval of previous case is set. If number of means measuring rate of flow through by-pass is less than number of means measuring parameters of flow in it than flow in by-pass is formed on condition that total or alternating control over rate of flows through system of means measuring parameters of flow and through intake element of main pipe-line is executed. Procedure is realized with the aid of proposed device. EFFECT: provision for control over fluid pumped over through pipe-line by aggregation of its parameters. 2 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl