FIELD: taking samples of liquid from pipe-line where high accuracy of determination of parameters of liquid pumped over pipe-lines is required. SUBSTANCE: liquid is pumped through pipe-line under action of excessive pressure and point samples are taken by automatic sampler. Flow of liquid is mixed along pipe-line to equalize and distribute ingredients in flow between time periods during which automatic sampler takes point samples. Device for implementation of method has conduit linking pipe-line with automatic sampler. Mixer to mix flow of liquid along pipe-line to equalize and distribute ingredients in flow between time periods during which automatic sampler takes point samples is installed in pipe-line ahead of conduit. Utilization of given invention in oil and other industries ensures high accuracy of qualitative and quantitative metering of liquid pumped over pipe-line which is realized by combination of parameters. EFFECT: high accuracy of determination of parameters of liquid pumped over pipe-line. 2 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl