FIELD: mechanical engineering; gas turbines. SUBSTANCE: proposed cooling system of nozzle vanes and blades of gas turbine final stage contains space made in each nozzle vane communicating with air delivery line for cooling nozzle vanes and for, at least one nozzle vane, with line to deliver liquid for cooling blades. Blade cooling line has outlet section with, at least, one outlet hole. Space from side of outlet edge of each nozzle vane is provided with, at least, one outlet slot hole. At least one end channel for additional delivery of cooling liquid or, at least, one through channel for additional delivery of cooling air is made for all blades inside each blade from of root. Outlet section of line for delivery of liquid for cooling blades is furnished with branch pipes in number equal to number of outlet holes. Axes of branch pipes are aligned with longitudinal axes of slot holes. Plane of outlet hole of each branch pipe is aligned with plane of cut of outlet edge of nozzle vane. EFFECT: improved efficiency of cooling of vanes and blades of final stage of high temperature gas turbine. 4 cl, 10 dwg