FIELD: construction industry, erection on heaving ground base of single-level coolers with chambers showing negative internal temperatures and designed to store perishable products. SUBSTANCE: single- level cooler with chambers showing negative internal temperatures includes external and internal walls, partitions, columns, beams, ceiling plates, foundations and floor. Salient feature of invention lies in that foundations for walls, columns and floor are placed on pad containing fine and medium-sized sand and having thickness of 1.5 m as minimum and humidity above 8% which was put on geotextile cloth laid on heaving ground. External and internal walls have reinforced concrete belts at level of bottom of ceiling plates with fittings made of metal bars with section area found by mathematical dependence. Ramp, rooms housing machinery and equipment, amenity rooms bordering on building of cooler are supplemented with ventilated basement and are separated from it. EFFECT: reduced labor input to arrangement of counter-heaving measures, diminished area of chambers due to gratings bulging above floor. 2 dwg