FIELD: medicine, surgery. SUBSTANCE: the present innovation could be applied in patients with portal hypertension syndrome. One should carry out vagotomy and external devascularization of esophagus, cardia and proximal departments of gastric bottom and body. Then comes longitudinal myotomy of esophagogastric passage at isolating submucous layer. One should circularly cross mucous-submucous esophageal layer and tighten varicosed veins of mucous-submucous layer. One should restore mucous-submucous layer with the help of "end-to- end" anastomosis by, moreover, capturing varicosed veins. Areflux cardia is formed by preliminarily suturing a myotomic wound. The present innovation enables to prevent reflux-esophagitis in patients with portal hypertension syndrome. EFFECT: higher efficiency of operation. 6 dwg, 1 ex