FIELD: medicine, ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: the suggested method of diagnostics is based upon comparative evaluation of the degree for narrowing visual field borders in nasal and temporal parts, detecting linear circulation rate (LCR) in central retinal artery (CRA), posterior short ciliary arteries (PSCA), orbital vein (OV) to differentiate the predominance of pathology in either arterial or venous link of orbital circulation together with hydrodynamic values. In case of increased true intraocular pressure (IOP) (Po) up to 19.0 mm mercury column and higher, decreased outflow easiness coefficient (OEC) below 0.15 cu. mm/mm mercury column/min and liquid minute volume (LMV) below 0.9 cu. mm/min, at predominance of the degree for narrowing visual field borders in temporal part, broadened excavation of optic disk (OD) being above 0.6 and decreased LCR in PSCA by 40% and higher, at normal venous outflow one should diagnose ischemic variant of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in patients with myopic refraction, and at analogous parameters of optic disk (OD) pathology, borders of visual field, but at the values of: Po above 17.0 mm mercury column, OEC -0.18 cu. mm/mm mercury column/min and higher, LMV above 1.5 cu. mm/min and decreased LCR in PSCA and CRA by 20%, not more, in combination with deteriorated LCR in OV by 25% and more one should diagnose discirculatory variant of POAG in patients with myopic refraction. The method enables to detect hemodynamic link in glaucomatous pathogenesis at myopia of average and high degree that, in its turn, enables to match correct therapy in treating patients.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of diagnostics.
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