FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves carrying out morphological examination of viscera and additional morphometric microscopic examination of suprarenal glands with areas of endocrinocyte nuclei of zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis of cortical substance and medullary substance adrenalocyte cytoplasma measured at least for 30 cells. Variability coefficient calculations under magnification degree of X300 are done in cases of suprarenal endocinocyte nuclei of zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis by dividing standard deviation by arithmetic mean of nuclei area in each zone and multiplying by 100%. Adrenalocyte cytoplasma volume in medullary substance of the suprarenal glands is measured with 4-level score system being used for recording. Endocrinocyte cytoplasma saturation with lipids in zona glomerulosa is calculated using 4-level score system using staining with black sudan. Probability of assigning a case to death group characterized by terminal state of pulmonary type is calculated from a formula. P1>P2 being the case, terminal state of pulmonary type is to be diagnosed.
EFFECT: high accuracy of prediction.
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