FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves measuring renal pelvis and ureter size by applying ultrasonic examination techniques in naturally filling and evacuating urinary bladder. No changes in dilated renal pelvis size in the state of maximally filled and evacuated urinary bladder being observed, obstructive hydronephrosis is diagnosed at the level of pyelourethral ureter segment. No changes in dilated renal pelves and ureters in the state of maximally filled urinary bladder and its evacuation being observed, obstructive ureterohydronephrosis is diagnosed at the level of vesiculoureteral anastomosis. Increase in size of dilated renal pelves and ureters in the state of maximally filled urinary bladder their reduction in the state of urinary bladder evacuation being observed, refluxing ureterohydronephrosis is to be diagnosed.
EFFECT: high accuracy of diagnosis.
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