FIELD: the invention refers to the modes of diagnostics of power transformers in power industry namely in the diagnostics of the current-limiting resistances of quick-acting under load regulators without discharge of transformer oil and without unsealing of the tank of the under load regulator.
SUBSTANCE: the technical result is in the creation of an all weather mode of diagnostics of current-limiting resistances of under load regulators supposes to determine according to the analysis of the curve of current of oscillograph of the contact system to determine validity of current-limiting resistances,, presence or absence in them of turn closing and also evaluate transient contacts of a contactor by way of comparison of oscillograms of currents with the analog oscillograms fulfilled in time of starting-adjusting tests at switching the contactor from one corresponding position to another.
EFFECT: creates mode of all-weather diagnostics of the circuits of the current-limiting resistances.
3 cl, 3 dwg