FIELD: medicine, ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: subtotal vitrectomy is performed by routine technique following anesthesia and forming two triangular superficial scleral flaps. Vitreal cavity is filled with perfluororganic compound. Luxated lens or its fragments are removed by use of facoemulsification. To implant intraocular lens into ciliary groove, needle with sutures, fixed to arch loop of haptic area of intraocular lens, is inserted via corneal facoemulsification incision into posterior chamber and lead out to sclera surface. Optical part of lens made of flexible material is folded and inserted through corneal facoemulsification incision into posterior chamber. Sutures are tighten and fixed to deep sclera layers.
EFFECT: method provides advanced treatment effect of surgery due to reduction of expandable facoemulsification incision and reduces traumatisation in surgery and postoperational complications.