FIELD: organic chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to method of flow acetylenes and dienes hydrogenation (versions) containing hydrogen, methane, C2-C6 olefines and paraffins, C2-C6 acetylenes and dienes, benzol, toluene, xylene and other C6+ components. Method includes passing of specified flow through hydrogenation catalyst included in down flow reactor operating at boiling point, at that reactor operates at boiling point of composition in reactor, and reaction heat is absorbed with boiling liquid. Portion of acetylenes and dienes are converted to relevant olefines and paraffins characterized by the same carbon atom number; separation of liquid and steam within flow coming out from specified reactor operating at boiling point of down flow reactor, and recycling of liquid portion to upper part of specified reactor operating at boiling point of down flow reactor; steam supply of specified flow to column for separation C5/C6, where C5 and more light substance are selected as lower run, and C6 and more heavy substance are selected as lower run, as well as side run is selected from specified column for separation of C5/C6 side run is supplied to upper part of specified reactor operating at boiling point of down flow reactor. Version of this method implies the following stages: keeping of recycling liquid amount so that to provide catalyst complete wetting in all positions inside specified reactor operating at boiling point of down flow reactor; control of fixed liquid composition flowed in specified reactor operating at boiling point of down flow reactor by means of location of specified side run over column height for separation C5/C6. Application of this method enables to provide effective control of temperature inside catalyst layer.
EFFECT: optimisation of temperature control inside catalyst layer.
6 cl, 2 dwg, 1 tbl, 1 ex