FIELD: medicine; psychophysiology.
SUBSTANCE: reactive anxiety (RA) factor under Speelberger's method, activity factor (Fact) under Lusher's test, emotional instability (I) under Isenk's method, nervous processes mobility (Npm) under Strelyaou's method, emotionality (Em) under Rusalov's method are detected. Alpha rhythm index percentage is calculated by formula: alpha rhythm index = 114.92 + 0.37·RA - 1.07·Fact + 2.50·I - 1.36·Npm - 2.58·Em. Value of calculated alpha rhythm from 75% and higher indicates lack of abnormalities, from 74 to 51% - light abnormalities and lower 50% - evident abnormalities of alpha rhythm.
EFFECT: increases accuracy of alpha rhythm index detection at psychosomatic pathology.
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