FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: indices of reactive (RA) and personality anxiety (PA) are detected by Speelberger method, indices of "Feeling" (F) and "Mood" (M) are detected by questionnaire "САН", index of emotional instability (N) is detected by Isenk method. Rate corresponding to rheoencephalogram amplitude ratio (RAR) is calculated by formula RAR=0.155-0.001·RA+0.001·PA+0.030·F-0.032·M-0.005·N. If RAR is 0.1 to 0.27, pulse volume of brain vessels is considered to be normal. RAR within 0.099 to 0.06 indicates moderate decrease of pulse volume of brain vessels; 0.059 to 0.04 - significant, less than 0.039 - full-blown.
EFFECT: allows detecting of brain vessel pulse volume disorders associated with arterial hypertonia under results of psychological test.
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