FIELD: physics; optics.
SUBSTANCE: present invention pertains to non-linear and fibre optics. The method employs an optical fibre, doped with ions of at least one rare-earth element and/or particles of at least, one semiconductor. The length of at least one of the optical unidirectional distributed-coupled waves is chosen to be equal to the average wavelength of the energy level transition of the rare-earth element and/or semiconductor particles or differs from the average wavelength of this transition by not more than 10%. Using optical pumping in this non-linear optical fibre, the total optical power losses of optical unidirectional distributed-coupled waves are reduced or eliminated or negated. The device has an optical element for separating waves at the output of the optical fibre and an optical element for optical pumping in the optical fibre.
EFFECT: reduction or elimination of total optical power losses of optical unidirectional distributed-coupled waves.
25 cl, 2 dwg