FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to cardiology. The following indicators at the patient: are determined heredity on an arterial hypertensia, level of the general cholesterol, posterior wall thickness, level of arterial pressure, index of mass of left ventricle myocardium; observe during 15 years, then analyze conformity of long-term effects of an arterial hypertensia with primary indicators. Make risk tables, under the tables: 1A - without a heredity on an arterial hypertensia, 1B - with a heredity on an arterial hypertensia, on crossing of the general cholesterol indicators and thickness of a posterior wall, prognosticate probability of fatal cardiovascular complications. Under the table 2 on crossing of indicators of systolic pressure and an index of mass of a myocardium of a left ventricle prognosticate probability of cerebral circulation acute disturbance.
EFFECT: method allows to prognosticate long-term effects at sick of an arterial hypertensia.
2 ex, 2 tbl